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Minimum spend £15. Valid for 14 days from first order. Geographical restrictions, fees and T&Cs apply:
Wing IT- Exclusive On Deliveroo
Kebab Express
Masala Curry Land
Olivia Kebab & Curry Land
Sani’s Kebab and Pizza
Asha Tandoori
Tim Hortons UK
Café Carberry
Centra - Stewartstown Road
Maggie Mays Cafe - Malone Road
Sinnamon Coffee
Maggie Mays Cafe - Castle Street
Seed - Lisburn Road
The Juice Jar - Botanic Avenue
Savour Ramadan with your favourite groceries
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Total Vapour CREGAGH
Market Cafe Belfast
Yolo Cafe
Simply Fish, Chips, Breakfast & Treats
The Vineyard
Cuban Sandwich Factory
Bodega Bagels
Slim Chickens
A Nice Sip