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Community Guidelines

At Deliveroo we want our customers, riders and restaurant partners to have the best possible food delivery experience. At the same time, we want to ensure that the communities we work with are safe. These guidelines are designed to help ensure that everyone who uses the Deliveroo platform has a safe and positive experience.


Be respectful: Our riders are at the heart of our business, collecting food from our restaurant partners and delivering it to your door. We ask that you treat riders with respect and report any behaviour that you find unprofessional to us directly by contacting Customer Support, so we can take appropriate action. We ask that you also treat our Customer Support staff with respect. We want everyone who uses Deliveroo to have a great experience, and being respectful to one another is key.

Be prompt: When you receive a notification that your rider is on their way to you, please ensure that you are ready to collect your food at the time indicated in the app. This is so that our riders do not have to spend time waiting around for customers to come and collect their food when they could be working. Additionally, we ask that you use 'Delivery notes' at checkout to indicate where you would like your food to be delivered to, so that your rider does not have to search for your location.

Fraud: Fraudulent activity undermines the trust that we have built with our community. Committing fraud is a criminal offence. We have a number of measures in place to monitor fraudulent activity from customers, as well as riders and restaurants. If an account is found or suspected to be engaging in fraudulent activity, we will take action which may result in:

  • Deactivation of your Deliveroo account; and/or
  • Escalation to the relevant authorities.

How we investigate potential infringement

If we are made aware of a customer who is acting in breach of these guidelines, we will investigate the report before taking any action on the account. These investigations are always led by someone on our team, and customers will always be notified if we decide to take any action. We have shared similar guidelines with riders, which you can read about here, and restaurants, which you can read about here.


Deliver for your customer: We know that a great customer experience is one of the biggest drivers of order growth for restaurant partners. That's why when handling Deliveroo orders, we ask that you:

  • Ensure the food is ready for the time indicated on your order receipt, so there are no delays in delivery and the food arrives on time.
  • Ensure that the food you prepare matches the description you've provided on your menu.
  • Mark any ingredients that you don't have as 'unavailable' so orders don't have to be cancelled.
  • Acknowledge and give accurate information in relation to any dietary requirements that a customer may contact you about.

Put safety first: Keeping our communities safe is our number one priority. We have a number of policies in place that restaurants should follow to ensure that customers have the best possible food delivery experience. These restaurant policies include:

  • Maintaining excellent food hygiene standards so customers feel safe when ordering from your restaurant.
  • Having the correct licenses to sell alcohol or other regulated products our policy permits on the platform.
  • Displaying allergen and nutritional information where possible and having trained staff to respond to telephone queries about allergens, so customers have the information they need when ordering food.
    To find out further information about Deliveroo's restaurant policies, please visit the Help Centre.

Be respectful: As one of our restaurant partners, riders will be going in and out of your restaurant to pick up food and deliver it to customers. We ask that you treat riders professionally and with respect, and report any behaviour that you find unprofessional or intimidating to us directly, so we can take appropriate action. To work with riders professionally, we ask that you:

  • Ensure that food is prepared on time so riders do not have to wait around
  • Allow riders to use your bathroom where possible
  • Offer riders water where possible
  • Be kind and polite when speaking and interacting with riders.

How we investigate potential infringement

If we are made aware of a restaurant partner who is acting in breach of these guidelines, or any other clause in their contract, we will investigate the report before taking any action on the account. These investigations are always led by someone on our team, and restaurants will always be notified if we decide to take any action. We have shared similar guidelines with riders, which you can read about here.


We want your experience of riding with Deliveroo to be a safe and positive one. These guidelines are designed to help ensure the safety of everyone that rides with and orders from Deliveroo, as well as the smooth running of your rider app and the service our customers receive.

Stay Safe - Safety should always be your first priority. When you're out on the road we ask that you always:

  • Follow all laws including road safety and traffic laws
  • Wear a helmet and reflective clothing to be more easily seen by other drivers
  • Carry food in approved thermal bags - this keeps food at a safe temperature
  • Keep your bags clean and in excellent shape
  • Let us know if your kit is damaged and you need a replacement backpack or thermal bag and we'll send you some for free

Stay Respectful - When you interact with customers, restaurants, other riders, Deliveroo staff, and members of the public we ask that you do so with respect. You should also follow all laws, rules and regulations when you're working - they're there for everyone's benefit. You should:

  • Follow all laws and regulations
  • Treat everyone you interact with politely and respectfully
  • Keep customer data safe -- never share a customer's details with anyone else or contact a customer when you're not completing an order for them

As breaches of the above could amount to a serious breach of your Supplier Agreement, we investigate all reports we receive about these kinds of behaviour and this may result in you being unable to work with Deliveroo again. If you see another rider behaving unprofessionally don't hesitate to let us know.

Stay honest - Deliveroo only works when riders act in good faith to deliver orders to customers in a safe and timely manner. We actively monitor any suspicious and fraudulent actions, including:

  • Using multiple Deliveroo accounts at once
  • Using a different type of vehicle to the one you're registered with
  • Marking orders as delivered when they haven't been
  • Purposely swiping through the app at the wrong time
  • Manually adjusting your GPS location information
  • Taking an unreasonably long time to deliver orders
  • Working with substitutes who don't meet all the requirements to ride with Deliveroo
  • Interfering with Deliveroo's website, platform or apps

How we investigate potential infringement

If we are made aware of a rider who is acting in breach of their contract, as clarified in these guidelines, we will investigate the report before taking any action on the account. These investigations are always led by someone on our team, and riders will always be notified if we decide to take any action. If we see a pattern of dishonest behaviour involving your account we may choose not to work with you in future.

We have similar guidelines that we ask our Restaurant Partners to follow as well. Everyone who partners with Deliveroo is encouraged to work together safely and respectfully. If you ever have any questions or concerns, you can always contact our dedicated Rider Support team.