Popular with other people
Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea 烤黑糖波波真乳茶
£8.50Passion Fruit Blast 超清爽百香绿
£8.50Mulberry Boom 多肉黑桑
£9.30Strawberry Peach Boom 多肉莓莓桃
£8.50Grapefruit Boom (Original) 满杯红柚(首创)
£9.30Strawberry Boom 多肉莓莓
£8.50Hot Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea 热烤黑糖波波真乳茶
£8.50Fluffy Cloud Strawberry 厚芝芝莓莓
£11.30Yumberry Boom 多肉杨梅
£9.30Mulberry Strawberry Boom 酷黑莓桑
Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea烤黑糖波波真乳茶
BOBO to the World, with 'Bobo' as the medium and 'love & life' as the bridge, HEYTEA partners with artist Yayoi Kusama to recite the biggest love embodied in the life of the pumpkin, infusing the world with the essence of Bobo.Concocted with black tea base (with no artificial flavor) and organic milk, topped with brown sugar bobo以波波为媒介,以爱与生命为桥梁,喜茶与艺术家草间弥生,用南瓜生命吟诵大爱。定制无香精嫣红茶底与无奶精有机真牛乳灵感特调,加入采用270天自然熟成木薯加工制成的黑糖波波,65分钟慢熬,口感软糯Q弹,不同于普通珍珠;甘醇饱满,入口丝滑。*有机真牛乳系指我们使用的有机全脂牛奶和有机脱脂牛奶原料£8.50Mango Grapefruit Boom芒芒甘露
Currently sold out£8.50Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original) 烤黑糖波波牛乳(首创)
BOBO to the World, with 'Bobo' as the medium and 'love & life' as the bridge, HEYTEA partners with artist Yayoi Kusama to recite the biggest love embodied in the life of the pumpkin, infusing the world with the essence of Bobo.A HEYTEA Original since 2012. Brown Sugar Bobo, slow-cooked daily for 65 minutes, infused in premium organic milk. 以波波为媒介,以爱与生命为桥梁,喜茶与艺术家草间弥生,用南瓜生命吟诵大爱。2012年首创烤黑糖波波牛乳,由“布蕾珍珠奶茶”迭代而来。优选无奶精有机真牛乳,黑糖波波采用270天自然熟成的木薯加工制成,每日65分钟慢熬,口感软糯Q弹。*有机真牛乳系指我们使用的有机全脂牛奶和有机脱脂牛奶原料£7.90Matcha Bobo Shake抹茶波波冰
Currently sold out£7.90
We cannot guarantee that any of our drinks are suitable for individuals with allergies due to the high risk of cross-contamination. Although our non-diary drinks are prepared using non-diary recipes, they are not suitable for those with diary allergies.
Matcha Jasmine Latte 千目·抹茉拿铁
Currently sold out£7.90Cloud Matcha Latte 芝芝抹茶
Currently sold out£8.50Supreme Matcha Latte 千目·浓抹拿铁
Currently sold out£7.90Matcha Bobo Shake 抹茶波波冰
Currently sold out£7.90Coco Water Jasmine 抹云椰青茉莉
Currently sold out£7.90Coco Water Matcha抹云椰青抹茶
Currently sold out£8.50
Hot Picks
Hot Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original) 热烤黑糖波波牛乳(首创)
A HEYTEA Original since 2012. Brown Sugar Bobo, slow-cooked daily for 65 minutes, infused in premium real dairy fresh milk. With original cheese topping. Bringing you a milky sweet indulgence.2012年首创烤黑糖波波牛乳,由“布蕾珍珠奶茶”迭代而来。每日65分钟慢熬黑糖波波融入无奶精真牛乳,口感软糯Q弹,不同于其他珍珠;口感醇厚,不喜慎点。£7.90Barley Milk Tea 热青稞真乳茶
HEYTEA's signature Red Blossom milk tea with Barley topping add-on. Rich milk flavour with layers of tea fragrance paired with the chewiness of Barley.喜茶经典嫣红牛乳加入软糯有嚼劲的青稞,入口奶香、茶香层层袭来,淡淡自然青稞麦香充盈,风味高扬馥郁。£7.50Hot Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea 热烤黑糖波波真乳茶
Concocted with real red tea base (with no artificial flavor) and real diary milk, topped with sugar boba (made with real tapioca; naturally ripen for 270 days), slow-cooked for 65 minutes, resulting in a soft and chewy texture that is different from ordinary pearls. The drink is mellow, full-bodied and silky smooth on the palate.「真牛乳之星」定制无香精嫣红茶底与无奶精真牛乳灵感特调,加入采用270天自然熟成木薯加工制成的黑糖波波,65分钟慢熬,口感软糯Q弹不同于普通珍珠;甘醇饱满,入口丝滑。£8.50Hot Cloud Matcha Latte 热芝芝抹茶
Currently sold out£8.50Hot Matcha Jasmine Latte 热千目·抹茉拿铁
Currently sold out£7.90Hot Bobo Oat Milk 热黑糖波波燕麦乳
A new inspiration from our brown bobo series. Featuring premium oat milk, light and comforting; suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Topped with brown sugar bobo, slow cooked daily for 65minutes. Its soft chewy texture sets it apart from traditional pearls.黑糖波波家族新灵感,优选植物基燕麦乳,口感轻盈柔和,乳糖不耐受人群友好。加入每日65分钟慢熬黑糖波波,软糯Q弹,不同于普通珍珠。£8.30Hot Bobo Milk Tea 热波波真乳茶
Brown sugar bobo, slow cooked for 65min daily, infused in signature Red Blossom tea. A perfect fusion of chewy-ness and rich milk tea flavour.每日65分钟慢熬黑波波融入经典嫣红牛乳茶,Q弹软糯口感与醇香并存,不同于普通珍珠,轻盈释放。£7.50Hot Supreme Matcha Latte 热千目·浓抹拿铁
Currently sold out£7.90
Fruit Tea
We cannot guarantee that any of our drinks are suitable for individuals with allergies due to the high risk of cross-contamination. Although our non-diary drinks are prepared using non-diary recipes, they are not suitable for those with diary allergies.
Coconut Mango Boom 椰椰芒芒
Currently sold out£8.50Crisp Grape Boom 多肉提子
Currently sold out£9.30Mango Grapefruit Boom 芒芒甘露
Currently sold out£8.50Mango Boom 多肉芒芒
Currently sold out£7.90Passion Fruit Blast 超清爽百香绿
Sour-sweet passion fruit paired with fresh lemons (sliced daily) to bring about a unique tropical taste; infused in signature Jasmine Green Tea from HEYTEA'selected tea plantations, to give that delicate jasmine floral fragrance. 酸酸甜甜的百香果搭配每日鲜切柠檬,带来独特的热带风味,融入喜茶甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底,散发淡雅芳幽的茉莉香气。£8.50Mulberry Boom 多肉黑桑
Selected mulberry full of juice and prepped daily. Heytea's signature Jasmine Green Tea added together with mulberry juice to create a refreshing fruity slushie.优选桑葚品种,果肉饱满多肉,每日手工现制果肉。甄选茶园定制绿妍茶汤与桑葚汁打制成冰沙,酸甜清新。£9.30Strawberry Boom 多肉莓莓
HEYTEA's signature strawberry flavor. Selected strawberries blended with the signature Jasmine Green Tea; smooth berry bliss added for extra textured mouthfeel. A taste sensation of strawberries with delicate jasmine aroma.喜茶经典莓莓风味,优选草莓制成果茸,融合甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底打制成草莓绿妍冰沙,口感丰富,莓香馥郁,散发淡淡茉莉香气。£8.50Strawberry Peach Boom 多肉莓莓桃
Selected honey peaches, soft and juicy; layered with real strawberries. Tea base is a blend of real honey peach juice with real jasmine green tea. A juicy layered experience.优选水蜜桃,果肉细腻,清甜多汁,加入酸甜可口的优选草莓,双重果香馥郁。定制水蜜桃汁融合无香精绿妍茶汤打制成冰沙,爽口嫩滑,多重口感清爽不腻。£8.50Grapefruit Boom (Original) 满杯红柚(首创)
A 2016 Original featuring sliced fresh Ruby Grapefruit, juicy grapefruit pulp infused in Jasmine Green Tea. A perfect balance of bitter and sweet taste.2016年首创满杯红柚,优选新鲜红柚,每日现切红柚片,爆汁红柚果粒融合定制绿妍茶底,酸甜平衡超清爽。£9.30Cloud Crisp Grape 轻芝多肉提子
Currently sold out£9.90Yumberry Boom 多肉杨梅
Selected yumberries (Bayberries), prepared in limited small batches daily, infused in real Jasmine Green Tea: a lite up lifting sour-sweet experience.优选杨梅,每日现制,颗颗爆汁真果肉,融合经典无香精绿妍茶汤,每口轻盈,酸甜清爽~£9.30Mulberry Strawberry Boom 酷黑莓桑
HEYTEA's most raved-about drink. Selected premium mulberry varieties, prepped daily with firm and juicy pulp. The layered combination of selected strawberry and mulberry creates a rich texture. Heytea's signature Jasmine Green Tea, mulberry juice, and strawberry juice are blended to create a refreshing fruity blend, where the sweet and sour fruit taste intertwines with the gentle and elegant tea aroma.喜茶口碑王灵感上新,优选桑葚品种,每日手工现制,果肉紧致爆汁。优选草莓果肉与粒粒桑葚果肉口感层次叠加,甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底与桑葚汁、草莓汁一起融合打制成冰沙,酸甜果香与清雅茶香轻柔交织。£9.30Cloud Mango 轻芝芒芒
Currently sold out£8.50Cloud Mulberry Strawberry 轻芝莓桑
Selected mulberries enhanced with tangy and sweet strawberry pulp blend seamlessly, creating a perfect balance of sweet and tart. These berry juices are mixed into a refreshing slushie with our fragrance-free Aqua Green Jasmine Tea. Topped with HEYTEA's Cheese Cloud, it provides a rich berry flavor with a smooth, refreshing touch.优选桑葚每日现制,果肉饱满紧实。加入酸甜可口的草莓果肉,莓香馥郁。搭配无香精绿妍茶汤打制成冰沙,双重果香清爽交织,顶部轻覆喜茶经典无奶精云顶,清爽不腻。£9.90Cloud Yumberry 轻芝杨梅
Selected yumberries (Bayberries), are deseeded and prepared daily, delivering the most succulent taste. Combined with our signature real Aqua Jasmine Green Tea. Topped with HEYTEA's Original Cheese Cloud, this drink layers sweet and tart flavors with a touch of creaminess.优选杨梅,每天去核现制,果肉饱满多汁。融合经典无香精绿妍茶汤,顶部轻覆喜茶芝芝云顶,芝香绵密,口感层层递进,酸甜清爽。£9.90
Creamy Milk Tea
We cannot guarantee that any of our drinks are suitable for individuals with allergies due to the high risk of cross-contamination. Although our non-diary drinks are prepared using non-diary recipes, they are not suitable for those with diary allergies.
Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk Tea 烤黑糖波波真乳茶
Concocted with real red tea base (with no artificial flavor) and real diary milk, topped with sugar boba (made with real tapioca; naturally ripen for 270 days), slow-cooked for 65 minutes, resulting in a soft and chewy texture that is different from ordinary pearls. The drink is mellow, full-bodied and silky smooth on the palate.「真牛乳之星」定制无香精嫣红茶底与无奶精真牛乳灵感特调,加入采用270天自然熟成木薯加工制成的黑糖波波,65分钟慢熬,口感软糯Q弹不同于普通珍珠;甘醇饱满,入口丝滑。£8.50Bobo Milk Tea 波波真乳茶
Brown sugar bobo, slow cooked for 65min daily, infused in signature Red Blossom tea. A perfect fusion of chewy-ness and rich milk tea flavour.每日65分钟慢熬黑波波融入经典嫣红牛乳茶,Q弹软糯口感与醇香并存,不同于普通珍珠,轻盈释放。£7.50Supreme Brown Sugar Bobo Milk (Original) 烤黑糖波波牛乳(首创)
A HEYTEA Original since 2012. Brown Sugar Bobo, slow-cooked daily for 65 minutes, infused in premium real dairy fresh milk. With original cheese topping. Bringing you a milky sweet indulgence.2012年首创烤黑糖波波牛乳,由“布蕾珍珠奶茶”迭代而来。每日65分钟慢熬黑糖波波融入无奶精真牛乳,口感软糯Q弹,不同于其他珍珠;口感醇厚,不喜慎点。£7.90Milk Tea Bobo Shake 奶茶波波冰
HEYTEA's signature Red Blossom Tea is blended with real dairy milk (no artificial creamer), whipped into a creamy, smooth ice slush. The Original Cheese Topping combined with Brown Sugar Bobo creates a rich and layered flavor experience. Each sip reveals a gradual layering of milky sweetness and Brown Sugar fragrance, delivering a full and satisfying taste.喜茶经典嫣红茶汤融入无奶精真牛乳,搅打成绵密冰沙,口感顺滑,茶韵奶香甘醇饱满。经典芝芝与慢熬黑糖波波碰撞出层次丰富的口感与风味。入口丝丝奶香,与黑糖香气层层递进,醇厚满足。£7.90Bobo Oat Milk 黑糖波波燕麦乳
A new inspiration from our brown bobo series. Featuring premium oat milk, light and comforting; suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Topped with brown sugar bobo, slow cooked daily for 65minutes. Its soft chewy texture sets it apart from traditional pearls.黑糖波波家族新灵感,优选植物基燕麦乳,口感轻盈柔和,乳糖不耐受人群友好。加入每日65分钟慢熬黑糖波波,软糯Q弹,不同于普通珍珠。£8.30Barley Milk Tea 青稞真乳茶
HEYTEA's signature Red Blossom milk tea with Barley topping add-on. Rich milk flavour with layers of tea fragrance paired with the chewiness of Barley.喜茶经典嫣红牛乳加入软糯有嚼劲的青稞,入口奶香、茶香层层袭来,淡淡自然青稞麦香充盈,风味高扬馥郁。£7.50
Leaf Tea
Cloud Jasmine Tea (Original) 芝芝绿妍茶后(首创)
The first Cheese Tea est. 2012. Authentic Regal Aqua Green Jasmine Tea, with no artificial flavours. Light and delicate, with a floral aroma. Topped with signature Cheese, without any aritificial creamers. The default topping is classic sprinkle of matcha powder on the cheese.2012年首创第一杯芝士茶,前身为“奶盐绿茶”。喜茶甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底,融入优选真牛乳,饮品芝士顶部抹茶粉默认经典撒粉。£6.50Jasmine Tea纯绿妍茶后
Regal Aqua Green Jasmine Tea sourced from selected plantations, without any artificial flavours. Light and delicate, with a floral fragrance.甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底,淡雅芳幽,茉香怡人。£5.50
Fluffy Cloud Crisp Grape 厚芝芝多肉提子
Currently sold out£11.30Fluffy Cloud Strawberry 厚芝芝莓莓
Crafted with carefully selected strawberries blended into a rich puree, paired seamlessly with HEYTEA's signature Jasmine Green Tea and Original Cheese Cloud. Extra portion, extra joy.优选草莓现制果茸,搭配清雅绿妍茶底及芝芝云顶。莓香馥郁,清爽不腻,加量超满足。£11.30Fluffy Cloud Yumberry 厚芝芝多肉杨梅
Selected yumberries (Bayberries), are deseeded and prepared daily, delivering the most succulent taste.Combined with our signature real Aqua Jasmine Green Tea. Topped with HEYTEA'S original Cheese Cloud, this drink layers sweet and tart flavors with a touch of creaminess. Extra portion, extra joy.优选杨梅,每天去核现制,果肉饱满多汁。融合经典无香精绿妍茶汤,顶部轻覆喜茶经典芝芝云顶,芝香绵密,口感层层递进,酸甜清爽,加量超满足。£11.30Fluffy Cloud Mango 厚芝芝芒芒
Currently sold out£11.30
Lite Recs
We cannot guarantee that any of our drinks are suitable for individuals with allergies due to the high risk of cross-contamination. Although our non-diary drinks are prepared using non-diary recipes, they are not suitable for those with diary allergies.
Pure Green Tea 纯绿妍茶后
Regal Aqua Green Jasmine Tea sourced from selected plantations, without any artificial flavours. Light and delicate, with a floral fragrance.甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底,淡雅芳幽,茉香怡人。£5.50Grapefruit Boom (Original) 满杯红柚(首创)
A 2016 Original featuring sliced fresh Ruby Grapefruit, juicy grapefruit pulp infused in Jasmine Green Tea. A perfect balance of bitter and sweet taste.2016年首创满杯红柚,优选新鲜红柚,每日现切红柚片,爆汁红柚果粒融合定制绿妍茶底,酸甜平衡超清爽。£9.30Passion Fruit Blast 超清爽百香绿
Sour-sweet passion fruit paired with fresh lemons (sliced daily) to bring about a unique tropical taste; infused in signature Jasmine Green Tea from HEYTEA'selected tea plantations, to give that delicate jasmine floral fragrance. Base toppings of crunchy Fat-free Bobo Pops add a textured mouthfeel. A refreshing, palate cleansing treat. Extra portion, extra joy.酸酸甜甜的百香果搭配每日鲜切柠檬,带来独特的热带风味,融入喜茶甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底,散发淡雅芳幽的茉莉香气。底部Q弹弹弹冻增添咀嚼乐趣,一口享受冰爽解腻,加量超满足。£8.50Crisp Grape Boom 多肉提子
Currently sold out£9.30Mulberry Strawberry Boom 酷黑莓桑
HEYTEA's most raved-about drink. Selected premium mulberry varieties, prepped daily with firm and juicy pulp. The layered combination of selected strawberry and mulberry creates a rich texture. Heytea's signature Jasmine Green Tea, mulberry juice, and strawberry juice are blended to create a refreshing fruity blend, where the sweet and sour fruit taste intertwines with the gentle and elegant tea aroma.喜茶口碑王灵感上新,优选桑葚品种,每日手工现制,果肉紧致爆汁。优选草莓果肉与粒粒桑葚果肉口感层次叠加,甄选茶园定制绿妍茶底与桑葚汁、草莓汁一起融合打制成冰沙,酸甜果香与清雅茶香轻柔交织。£9.30
Extra(On the side)
Cheese Cloud (Original) 芝芝云顶
HEYTEA's original signature Cheese. Made from real dairy. Absolutely no creamers.喜茶首创,经典无奶精芝芝奶盖,芝士使用动物性奶油及真牛乳打制,不添加奶盖粉、植物奶油。£2.35Brown Sugar Bobo 慢熬黑糖波波
Slow cooked for 65min each time and prepared daily. The brown sugar syrup fuses with our signature bobo, resulting a sweet, soft and chewy texture; totally different from regular pearls.65分钟慢熬·黑糖味浓郁·口感软糯Q弹,不同于普通珍珠。£1.55Coconut Milk Jelly 椰奶冻
Currently sold out£1.55Sago 西米
Freshly cooked for 30min daily; for a soft springy texture.每日焖煮30分钟·软弹爽口西米,清新不腻。£1.55Barley 青稞
A unique barley topping with toasty aroma and chewy texture.嚼劲口感,嚼出浓浓自然青稞麦香。£1.55Jasmine Jelly 茉莉茶冻
Using HEYTEA's signature Jasmine Green Tea without added Flavours, our jasmine jelly is freshly made every day, offering a delicate, silky texture and a naturally pleasant jasmine aroma.优选喜茶经典无香精绿妍茶汤,每日现制茉莉茶冻,细腻滑嫩,茉香怡人。£0.95Light Cheese Cloud 轻芝芝云顶
HEYTEA's original signature Light Cheese Cloud, made from animal-based cream and real milk, without any artifical creamers or plant base cream. We specially refined the amount of cheese to complement the drink while maintaining its classic cheesy flavor.喜茶首创经典轻芝芝云顶,使用动物性奶油及真牛乳打制,不添加奶盖粉与植物奶油。特别调整芝士分量,薄芝士轻轻覆盖于饮品顶部,依旧经典芝芝风味。£1.55Grapefruit Pulp 红柚果粒
Refreshing real ruby grapefruit pulp, plump, natural & juicy鲜爽爆汁·真红柚果粒,粒粒饱满爽脆£1.55