Going the extra mile
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Specialty Cold Dishes 特色冷吃
Chilled Spicy Chicken 冷吃麻辣鸡
Selected tender chicken, paired with a secret Sichuan spicy sauce; spicy but not overwhelming, fragrant yet not greasy. 精选鲜嫩鸡肉,搭配秘制四川麻辣酱料,辣而不燥,香而不腻.£11.40Chilled Spicy Rabbit 冷吃麻辣兔
Premium rabbit meat, prepared with a unique cold marinade process, resulting in a delicate texture and tender taste. Rabbit meat is rich in high-quality protein, low in fat, and low in calories, making it an ideal choice for a healthy diet. 选用优质兔肉,经过独特的冷吃腌制工艺,口感细腻,入口嫩滑。兔肉富含优质蛋白,低脂低热量,是健康饮食的理想选择。.£13.40Spicy Dried Beef 麻辣牛肉干
A perfect fusion of numbing and spicy flavours, each piece of beef is enveloped in rich spices, leaving you feeling energised after every bite! 麻与辣的绝妙融合,每一块牛肉都被包裹在浓郁香料中,吃完让人牛气冲天!.£14.40Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs 糖醋小猪排
Carefully selected pork ribs, slow-braised to perfection, with a meticulously balanced sweet and sour flavour. The meat is tender, flavourful, and not greasy - an absolute centrepiece for any family feast! 精挑排骨,慢火炖煮,糖醋比例精心调配,酸甜适口,香嫩不腻,绝对是家宴餐桌上的C位担当!£11.30
Soy-Braised Snacks 卤味小吃
Soy-Braised Pig Trotter 鲜卤猪蹄
Premium pig trotters, slow-braised with secret spices to achieve a glistening red colour and a soft, bouncy texture. The rich braised flavour penetrates deep into the meat, delivering an irresistible taste! 精选优质猪蹄,经过秘制香料慢火卤制,色泽红亮,口感软糯Q弹,卤香入骨。每一只猪蹄都经过精心调味,鲜香四溢,满足你对地期待!.£7.40Soy-Braised Duck Feet 留香卤鸭爪
Premium duck feet, slow-cooked in a secret braising sauce, boasting a rich aroma and an enticing caramelised colour. They are chewy yet bouncy, with a balanced savoury taste and a subtle sweet aftertaste. 精选优质鸭爪,经过秘制卤汁的慢火熬制,卤香浓郁、酱色诱人,入口Q弹有嚼劲,咸香适口,微微带着回甘.£8.40Soy-Braised Pork Intestines 鲜香卤肥肠
Carefully selected pork intestines, thoroughly cleaned and meticulously processed, slow-braised to infuse deep flavours while retaining a tender yet bouncy texture. Every bite is bursting with rich, savoury goodness. 甄选优质猪大肠,经过多重清洗与精细处理,慢火熬卤至入味透香,保留肥肠的鲜嫩口感与Q弹嚼劲。每一口都是鲜香四溢浓郁.£12.00Soy-Braised Eggs 醇香卤蛋
Secret recipe with layers of braised sauce seeping through gives it an enticing colour and an irresistible aroma. It brings warmth to your taste buds and the comforting taste of home! Perfect as a side dish with rice or simply enjoyed on its own for an indulgent treat! 秘制配方,卤汁层层渗透,色泽诱人,香气扑鼻,带来舌尖的温暖和家的味道!搭配饭菜一绝,单吃更是过瘾!.£2.00Signature Soy- Braised Pig Ears 招风卤猪耳
Premium pig ears, slow-braised in a proprietary blend of spices, then meticulously hand-cut. Each slice is bouncy and crispy, infused with a deep braised aroma. The layered texture keeps you coming back for more! 精选优质猪耳朵,经过独家秘制卤料慢火炖煮,再加上细致的手工处理,每一片都Q弹脆爽,卤香四溢,吃上一口,口感层次丰富,让你停不下来.£7.40Soy-Braised Chicken Wings 秘制香卤鸡翅
Premium chicken wings, marinated in a secret recipe with a blend of natural spices, then slow-braised until tender and juicy. The exterior has a slightly charred aroma, while the inside remains rich and flavourful. 精选优质鸡翅,采用秘制配方腌制入味,融合多种天然香料,慢火焖煮至肉质细嫩多汁,外层微微焦香,入口鲜香四溢.£8.40Soy-Braised Chicken Feet 秘制香卤鸡爪
Secretly braised chicken feet-braised to perfection, bouncy, flavourful, and aromatic. One bite delivers an instant burst of happiness! Rumour has it that those who eat these lucky chicken feet experience a surge in good fortune! 秘制卤鸡爪,这一爪,卤得刚刚好,Q弹入味、香气满满,一口咬下,幸福感直线飙升!据说吃了这款凤爪的人,运气都变得特别旺!.£8.40Soy-Braised Chicken Gizzard and Heart Combo 鸡胗鸡心双拼
A mix of premium chicken gizzards and hearts, slow-braised in a secret recipe for a chewy yet tender texture. The bold spicy flavours explode on your taste buds-an auspicious and delicious treat! 鸡胗和鸡心混装,精选优质鸡胗和鸡心,经过秘制配方慢火卤制,口感脆嫩有嚼劲,香辣直抵味蕾深处。是福气满满的绝佳美味!.£8.00Soy-Braised Chicken Drumstick 秘卤手枪鸡腿
1 piece. Approximately 200g of our exclusive secret-recipe pistol drumstick- crispy yet bouncy skin, tender and juicy meat. Each bite is infused with our signature braised aroma, making it irresistible! Not to mention its unique shape. 1个. 约200克,独家秘制的手枪鸡腿,外皮Q弹微韧,肉质嫩滑多汁,每一口都浸满了独家 卤料的香气,让人欲罢不能!更别说那独特的造型.£8.40
Flavoured Condiments 风味小料
Sichuan-Style Chicken Spicy Sauce 川香鸡肉香辣酱
Each bottle contains 300g of freshly stewed chicken, bursting with rich Sichuan flavours and tender, succulent meat. Just one spoonful ignites a fiery taste sensation! 每瓶300g,新鲜鸡肉现制现熬,川香浓郁,鸡肉醇厚,一勺即刻激发味蕾的火辣享.£8.40
Selected Beverages 精选饮品
Coca-Cola Zero 可口可乐Zero
In can. A sugar-free cola launched by Coca-Cola, designed for those who love the taste of cola but want to reduce their sugar intake. It retains the classic Coca-Cola flavour while being completely sugar-free. 罐. 可口可乐品牌推出的一款无糖可乐,专为喜欢可乐口感但又希望减少糖分摄入的消费者打造。它保留了经典可口可乐的美味风味,同时不含糖分.£2.00Simplee Aloe Vera Juice Simplee Aloe Vera芦荟汁
In bottle. A refreshing and healthy plant-based drink, rich in natural aloe vera pulp and fortified with various vitamins to help boost immunity. Low in sugar and calories, it's perfect for daily hydration with a refreshing taste. 瓶. 一款清爽健康的植物饮料,富含天然芦荟果肉,并特别添加多种维生素,帮助增强免疫力。它低糖低热量,适合日常补水,同时带来清爽的口感.£3.40Master Kong Traditional Sour Plum Soup 康师傅酸梅汤
In bottle. Made using a traditional classic formula, brewed with natural ingredients such as black plums, hawthorn, and liquorice. It has a balanced sweet and sour taste with a subtle smoky aroma, refreshing and thirst-quenching. 瓶. 传承经典古法配方,以乌梅、山楂、甘草等天然食材熬制而成,口感酸甜适中,带有淡淡的烟熏香气,既清爽解渴,又能生津止渴。.£3.20Unif Assam Milk Tea Unif Assam奶茶
In bottle. Made with premium Assam black tea blended with rich milk, offering a strong tea aroma and a smooth, silky taste. Each sip delivers an exquisite milk tea experience. 瓶. 选用优质阿萨姆红茶与醇香牛奶调配,茶香浓郁,口感丝滑顺畅,每一口都带来细腻的.£4.00Coconut Brand Coconut Juice 椰树牌椰汁
In can. Extracted from fresh coconut meat to ensure pure original juice, free from artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives. It delivers the most natural tropical flavour, aromatic, and packed with natural nutrients. 罐. 采用新鲜椰肉榨取,保证纯正原汁,无色素、无香精、无防腐剂,带来最天然的热带风味。椰汁不仅口感醇厚,椰香四溢,还富含天然营养成分。.£4.00