

4.5 500+ Ratings

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  • Popcorn Chicken & a Burger for 1

    Enjoy our best-selling Popcorn Chicken with chipotle mayonnaise and either our Victors Beef or Hot Honey Chicken Burger

  • Victors Burger, Fries & a Beer for 1

    Chose either our 'The Victors Way' beef burger, Hot Honey chicken burger or our 'Moving Mountains®' vegan burger, served with fries and a bottle of beer

  • 3 Small Plates & Fries for £30

    Choose any 3 of the following small plates, inclusive of a portion of Victors.

  • Two large plates & fries for 2 £38

    Choose two Large Plates plus 2 Fries £38

  • 2 Sushi roll sets & fries £25

    Choose 2 sushi rolls, served with a portion of fries for £25

  • Avocado Houmous

    Rose harissa, toasted wholemeal pitta, coriander (vg)